Premium domains .сайт and .онлайн - available for everyone!

The domain names from category “PREMIUMS” are among the most popular, most attractive and most wanted by the domain names users. And because the words “site” and “online” have the same meaning and are written the same in Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian, the list with PREMIUM DOMAINS includes the same words in these three languages.

Since 4 April 2017 (13:00:00 UTC) CORE Association with the aim of greater convenience for their end customers, introduces changes related to the Premium domains as follows:


Premium names are now divided into two categories:

  1. PREMIUM: Super premium names
    Premium domain names are the most popular and wanted domains, which are offered at higher prices than the rest of the domain names in the zones .сайт and .онлайн
  2. VALUED: Premium names content program with a lower price
    to increase the presence of quality domain names in Cyrillic on the web, part of the premium domains with .сайт and .онлайн will be offered at a price approximately ten times lower than that of domains in category PREMIUM

Conditions for VALUED domains:

  • There must be a substantial website Cyrillic content (excluding redirections to ASCII domain names) within 3 (three) months of the registration date.
  • Should the Registrant have no intention in the active use of these domain names, the domain name can be registered at a price, as a standard premium name (please check with your registrar).
  • The domain name from this category cannot be transferred for 1 year.
  • VALUED names will renew at a standard fee (please check with your registrar).
  • All conditions relating to Valued category are relevant only during the first year of domain registration. Starting from the second year of registration the domain name becomes STANDARD.

Both PREMIUM and VALUED names will be subject to the 90-day claims notice.

How to buy PREMIUM and/or VALUED domain name?

Premium domain names with .сайт and .онлайн will be offered directly by the Association CORE and exclusively through our accredited registrars  and their resellers.

For your convenience, we have prepared lists with the PREMIUM and VALUED DOMAINS with .сайт and .онлайн in .xlsx format.
We hope that the best domains with .сайт and .онлайн will inspire you for new, unique and successful websites!


Download the full list of PREMIUM and VALUED DOMAINS with .САЙТ here

Download the full list of PREMIUM and VALUED DOMAINS with .ОНЛАЙН here